I am an artist and iconographer. Please enjoy this online gallery of my art, and contact me if you would like instruction in art, composition, portraiture. If you are interested in learning about how to make icons, I can teach you how to write icons according to the traditional Byzantine method.
Places to visit on my website:
- Portraits
- Icons
- Frescos
- Compositions
- Biography of Aleksandr Kharon
- Class Photo of My Students, and Class Information
- 2004 Lecture Schedule
I hope you will bookmark this site and return often. It is my pleasure to share these icons with you, and I hope you will visit when you need a peaceful break in your day.
I am making regular updates to this site of new artwork and articles. Here are some of the things that will be ready and available here in the near future:
- Articles about icons and iconography
- Tips about making icons
- How to buy icons
- History of icons
- Your questions and answers
Much of this material will come from the classes that I have taught for many years, both in my art studio, and also in lectures at schools such as the Graduate Theological Union in Berkley, California. I will share with you some of my expert knowledge that causes galleries and museums around the world to seek out my advice regarding the antiquities in their collections. Some of the articles will be in Russian as well as English. I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me with your suggestions and questions.
About The Artist
Aleksandr Kharon now lives in San Francisco. After leaving his native land a decade and half ago, his journey to America took him from Odessa, his native city - now in Ukraine, then part of former USSR - to Vatican city where he worked for a year as an Iconographer. The work that Alexander has done on 15 iconographical pieces are kept in the Vatican Collection. From Rome he was then bound to America.
In his new adopted homeland Aleksandr dedicated his time and energy to secular and sacred art continuing a long tradition fostered by famous Russian iconographers such as Theophane the Greek, Daniel Cherny, Saint Andrei Rublyov, Dionysius and sons, Simon Oushakov. Inspired by Saint Sergei of Radonezh, Theophane the Greek, carrying the influence of Theologian Pavel Florensky and Vladimir Lossky, Fr. George Krug, Leonid Ouspensky, academy professor Igor Grabar, sientist A. Ovchinnikov, premier iconographer Fr. Zinon (Vladimir Theodore), his friends and students Fr. Aleksandr Filin, Yuriy Zcurkan, Aleksandr Rudoy, Igor Stayanov, Dimitry Shkolnik and many others who follow the Byzantine Russian tradition.
For more information about Aleksandr Kharon, please visit The Biography of Aleksandr Kharon.